Idk what to do

I’ve been extremely stressed out over the past month, it’s like everything was slowly going down hill for awhile and now I feel like I hit rock bottom. Mainly II’ve been extremely stressed bc after 4 months I just reported a rape and am going through that scary process. I’ve been broke bc I took so much leave from work bc psychologically I wasn’t ok, so financially I’m extremely stressed and on top of that I just got my first speeding ticket so I have to pay that with money I dont have 🙃 woke up today and come to find out my professor accused me of plagiarism and gave me a 0 and is reporting it to the school. I didn’t plagiarize I cited all of my sources I didnt copy anyone’s work. Regardless whether they find that I intentionally plagiarized or not I’m going to fail that class bc my grade is so low due to the 0. I’ve been crying all day and am seriously considering dropping out of college until I get my life together. At this point I cant take this kind of stress and I’m fuming that I have to deal with bullshit that I didnt do on top of everything else.