Feeling depressed


So this is gonna be a little long so I will try to make it move as quickly as possible.

Hey guys!! So recently I moved out of my boyfriends house. I lived with him for 9 months. We’re still together and see each other literally all the time. I just wanted to have my own space and be independent.

Around 2 and a half months ago I was broke, like super broke y’all. So I got two jobs, worked around 70 hours a week and saved up a lot of money. I found an apartment in the same neighborhood as my boyfriend and now I’m living independently.

I was soooo excited to have my own place, mainly so I could do what I want (like not doing the dishes) and decorate it lol. So I’m here now and things are really going great in my life. I can’t help but feel depressed.

I used to enjoy going to work, now I don’t even wanna leave my house. I keep on buying things because I can finally afford it. But that obviously doesnt help me feel any better either.

I just don’t know what to do or why I’m feeling this way. I’ve never felt depressed before but I think this may be it. I’m not necessarily sad but I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do the things that were easy for me usually.

And I’m not trying to diagnose myself or anything but something is definitely wrong. I was just posting this to see if anyone has been through something similar.

Thanks y’all so much!