End of the road?

My SO just went away he’ll be gone for a few months.

I’ll be honest before he left things were FAR from perfect. In the 10 years we’ve been married things had never been perfect. But the love has always been there.

I could feel it in his touch. I could hear it in his voice.

We’ve both working and this year has been sucky.

Now he’s gone for a bit.

And at first I was sad and I miss him.

But then again I doubt.

Like he calls and he keeps almost picking fights and fussing at me.

and then the conversations are short.

He tired I’m tired.

I don’t feel the love the connect.

He doesn’t even seem happy to call us.

Unless maybe he just tired.


I love him. Im worried that this separation for work might cause a permanent separation.

I was actually worried about that before he left.

Things feel off between us.

He keep making DUMB fucking comments too.

That I don’t even care to talk to him.

that can’t be healthy.

Sigh I’m just going to go to sleep. I just needed someone to talk to.

I’m very lonely.

He telling me to well sleep after having convos like we just did.

It’s like every time I talk to him I feel even more distant from him