Scary ER trip and reminder to be kind


A couple days ago I posted on here because I was emotional from a UTI and I was told by some women to basically suck it up. While other women were kind and offered support, at least.

Everything all started when I had a UTI or at least symptoms on the 15th. So I wouldn’t have to come into for an office visit and be subjected to waiting my doctor ordered urinalysis. It came back with results of a UTI so so the doctor ordered meds, Macrobid. A couple days later the culture came back with no growth so they called and said to stop the Macrobid.

This past Wednesday I woke up at 5 am with severe pain, burning, and blood in my urine. I had to sit in our tub because I kept peeing and was unable to move because of the constant urinating. Every time I would pee there was blood in the stream from start to finish. I know some of you will find that gross and make fun but when you’re scared you do what you think will help. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Analysis again said UTI with blood this time but doctor wanted to order a culture. Another script of Macrobid was ordered. This time 7 days instead of 5.

The meds only seemed to take the edge off of the constant peeing but I was still in pain. I was taking AZO since Wednesday but it seemed to stop working. I figured I just needed to wait a couple of days. All the while I’m still caring for my grandparents and trying to keep busy to take my mind off of it.

Around 8 last night we were leaving dinner and while driving home I felt really faint. My arms felt heavy all of a sudden and I couldn’t lift them. My head felt hazy and I was forcing myself to stay conscious. I almost slumped down the side of the seat.

We drove around giving me a minute to see if we needed to go to the ER. We went to a urgent care type clinic and upon walking in the door I started to feel like I was going to pass out again and shaking uncontrollably. I was holding onto my husband and crying because I’ve never had a thing like this happen before. Doctor took my vitals and said they were good but he couldn’t treat me there so my husband needed to take me to the ER.

Had this happen 3 times in an hour so when we got the the ER they did a chest X-ray, CT scan, an EKG and ran blood tests. I was cold in the lobby while we waited so I was wearing my husband’s pullover even though it was like 85 outside. When we got into the room the nurse started giving me IV fluids and when she did I started to go into another episode while she was there. Everything went green tinted, my breathing became labor and I couldn’t get my eyes to focus on the same thing at once. All I remember was telling the nurse and my husband how sorry I was. Got hooked up to a monitor, blood pressure cuff and some other wires.

Tests came back as a UTI so they hooked a antibiotic bag to my IV and started me on that. Around 1 AM they gave me a second IV bag and I was so exhausted I dozed off somewhere around 2. Nurse woke me up at 2:30 to have me walk around to see if I felt dizzy. No dizziness so I was free the discharge. Left hospital at 3:30 with orders to continue the antibiotic my doctor had me on and then another antibiotic the ER doctor prescribed. I’m not allowed to drive till primary doctor gives the okay.

Saw my primary today and culture came back negative again. He wants me to stop the antibiotics again even when I voiced concern about blood in my urine and the risk of the pain coming back like before. Once I reminded him of the blood and that it happened the whole time I was peeing he referred me to a urologist. He still wants me to stop the antibiotics. Hubby says I should stop the Macrobid and continue the ones the ER gave me because they seemed very concerned about it being a UTI and the fainting episodes. Made an appointment with urologist after primary appointment but they can’t see me for 3 weeks. Fingers crossed!!

Also my point of the post is that when someone posts on here about something they’re scared about, be kind. What would be something that doesn’t seem scary to you maybe something scary to another. What many thought was a small and insignificant actually blew up for me and has turned into something that I truly need to get checked out.