Boyfriend say he's scared of me

We not on the best of terms at the moment because he thinks I'm one of the girls in his past where he can get away with a lot and completely run over me like a bull dozer like he did them but I'm not. He never dated a black girl before and honestly I don't think he dated a girl with an attitude from my understanding. We got into an argument really bad and he got really mad and changed his number but I have an iPhone app that automatically updates to the new number. He been purposely pissing me off for a reaction and ultimately pushing me to the edge of pissing me off where I send him multiple kik messages then I texted his new number and he didn't know I knew it already. it's like it's okay for him to make me mad when he want but it's not okay for me. I feel like he don't know to deal with a mad girl and he's a Mexican guy so when he speak Spanish when he get mad I get mad lol he don't like stuff done back to him. You can say "Ima slap the sh*t out if you or "Ima beat your a*s and he take that serious it scared him. Now he's scared but at the same time I'm glad he is because guys should know now that it's bad to purposely piss a female off for the enjoyment. I'm a different female I don't let nobody run over me or make me mad purposely he pissed me off so bad I didn't care how I texted or what I said he purposely did this. At the end of it he promised he would never do that again