First cycle after reversal


Had my reversal June 15th. I ovulated on June 16th. My husband and decided to get one last session in on June 14th before I caught my plane to head out for surgery. June 27th I spotted very little pink and brown. June 28th same spotting then some red spotting. Over those 2 days not enough spotting to fill a light absorbing tampon. I should start my first cycle today....No show of AF though. My lower back is sore my breast are sore I woke up so nauseated I couldn't move in fear that I would puke. No pain in my stomach or pelvic area but I do feel tingling sensation from both tubes and uterus. More of a pulling sensation. Cervix is high softer than normal and closed this morning. I'm a mess of nerves and htp is negative. See fertility/obgyn Monday for 2 week follow up from surgery. I've been on an emotional roller coaster ride for about 6 days now. Everything thing I've read says this is all normal pms symptoms. So how were your first cycles after reversal. Has anyone experienced any of this?