Herpes break out ?


I contacted herpes when I was 16 years old this was treated, I didn't have another flare up until last year which was 14 years later 😳 the flare up was very painful.. Again treated.

I am now nearly 39 weeks pregnant and absolutely petrified I am having another flare up. I've been so stressed this last two weeks and my immune system has been low which can cause herpes to attack.

I saw a doctor yesterday who examined me and said my skin around my clitorial ( tmi sorry ) looked red dry and cracked so said she doubted very much it was heroes flare up 😃 phew!!! Gave me some canisten and other cream to apply. Last night in bed I was in some discomfort but this morning I've woken up and felt brilliant and everything looked fine down there.

Cut to a few hours later I've just re checked myself and I now have a red bump or sore on my C which has again seriously worried me. There's only 1 sore if it is a sore usually in pay ive had a fair few. I'm not in pain and it doesn't hurt unless I'm poking. I can't get into the doctor now until Monday. I'm just wondering could this just be a yeast infection or has anyone else has an outbreak in pregnancy with only 1 sore ?