Just not feeling ok..

Jessica • Jersey Girl ♌🔥 Mommy to 👫 Expecting 🍼 👶 Aug/2018. Happily 💍💑 💐Truly Blessed!💐

So I went to the hospital two days ago with alot of contractions back to back and alot of pressure. Come to find out I was having Preterm Labor and Im only 34 weeks. I was 1 1/2 centimeter dilated and I only had 9 centimeters of amniotic fluid... They connected me to an Iv and Gave me Fluids right away to see if that would stop my contractions. But Nope!! Didnt happen. I was getting them every 2 mins 😣 So they started me up with magnesium and a shot of Steroids at that moment and another shot the next day.. I was there for two days and My gosh.... I felt so helpless and so emotional and very blah from the magnesium. . They sent me home yesterday because I wasnt contracting anymore and I was still at 1 1/2 centimeters dilated. I have my doctors appointment monday.. So we'll see if Im still dilating. But Im on Bed Rest for a while... I feel so unease,Nauseous and Very Helpess. And plus My fiancé said something that got me upset. He said Im so under pressure. Because he said he has to help with our daughter. Like are you kidding me... So now I am an emotional wreck. Aghhh Men I
