Third Trimester Woes

Wow. This kid is different than my first, I’ll tell you that much.

My first child was born in 2012. Easiest pregnancy ever. So easy, I didn’t know I was in labor until i was 9 cm dilated and ready to push—drugs or no drugs. I had no morning sickness. No back pain. A little heartburn, but honestly, that was it. I worked until the day before she was born and it was all ducky.

Had to quit work after 21 weeks with this one. I had sciatica with this one—I was in too much pain to be on my feet all day and my boss wouldn’t compromise on my hours.

Flash forward to 28 weeks: I can’t eat anything anymore. It’s the same cycle...every day. I’m fine until about 3 or 4 pm. Then come the throw up burps. They continue through the night. My stomach starts cramping around 8 or 9 and also continue through the night. 4 am on the dot, after no sleep, I vomit my guts up, have raging diarrhea for like two hours. Then I can sleep for a few minutes.

Doc says it’s because the baby is super big and pressing up against my esophagus. Spicy or fattening foods are supposed to be the trigger. So I cut all of that out—basically live off from bananas, bread and water—but the cycle continues.

Flash forward to 30 weeks: I’ve lost the 10 pounds I’ve gained during the pregnancy. I’m now at pre-pregnancy weight. My bump is huge, but I’ve dropped 4 pants sizes (no maternity clothes) and I’ve lost weight in my arms and face.

So i called the doc. Surely there’s something they can do. They ask me if i can drink water and pee. Well—yeah. Is blood? Any contractions? Nope. So they schedule me out two weeks for an appointment. I was bigger when I got pregnant, so they aren’t worried about the weight loss.

So. I’m working on my third week of this hell—still got the back pain—all of the other symptoms. I’m not sure how I’m gonna survive 9.5 more weeks, but I’m trying to hold strong. I love my boy, i know he’s worth it. But damn, I wish he’d be as easy as his sister in the womb!