Born to be a Momma


I am so ready for my little girl I can’t stand it!! I just want to meet my princess already😭 I was born to be a mom. I believe every person was put here for a reason and I’ve known my whole life mine was to be a mom♥️ when I was very little and asked my parents where babies come from they told me I just had to want one really bad and I could have one. I was really little and way too young for anything more detailed than that😂 I remember every night I would pray to God to put a baby in my tummy. At my shower they over heard me telling someone about it and they were both shocked I remembered all that in such detail because of how young I was. It was by far my first memory. Growing up everything I did revolves around babies. I baby sat for free all the time because our family friends didn’t have a ton of money and I just loved spending time with their babies. My first job was in a daycare and then I went to be a nanny. I got my degree in early childhood education and want to go to school to be a nurse and hopefully work in a nicu one day♥️ My princess is my world already and I can’t wait to be her mom for the rest of our lives♥️ I love you Princess Mia🌷