Anyone else feeling so irritable at 39 weeks?


Hey guys.

So I’m 39 Weeks exactly today and I am so ready to meet my bundle of joy. This is my first pregnancy, so I’m not sure if this is normal or not. The past few days I have been feeling so emotional and irritable. I am from the uk and I live in the states with my husband, and right now I have my mum staying with us for 4 weeks. Already after 4 days I’m getting really irritated with her and she’s only trying to help. I’m normally a really easy going person and I’m having to catch myself with the way I talk to my husband and my mum. I feel horrible and they’ve been so good in not fighting back or anything. Has anyone else had this same problem? I had contractions a few days ago and we were all excited that it could’ve been the day we got to meet baby, but by the afternoon the contractions stopped, so that really bummed me out. Is this irritability a sign of impending labour? Is there anything anyone can advice on getting this labor started? I’ve already tried castor oil and it gave me those contractions a few days ago but nothing established. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening to me vent.