desert DRY!!! HELP!!!!!!

So ladies i need your help i recently just meet this guy about a month ago and we have been hanging out and texting like crazy all day we had sex abouta week ago and it was AWESOME JUST AMAZING!! I enjoyed it he enjoyed it. so just last night we were hanging out and we go to have sex and i can't get wet. it was soooooooooooooo embarrassing and i didn't know what to do it made him feel awful he felt like it was him and i wasnt attracted to him but that's just it I AM VERY VERY VERY MUCH!! Mentally physically and sexually. so he leaves and today we haven't text or called it had any communication what so ever and i feel like im missing something not talking to him or anything. i really am sad cause i miss him already. Idk what to do have any of you ladies been in a situation like this? if so i could really use some advice cause i don't want to lose him.... PLEASE HELP