My July baby turned I to a June baby and a special Birthday Present.


So on Thursday June 28th I had my 39 week check up and my BP was kinda high which I have been dealing with and taking medication for the last month for. I started monitoring it in the evening as I was getting a lot of swelling even though I was resting with my feet up all night. Well friday morning when i got up my husband made me test my pressure's and they were really high straight out of bed, so we called L&D; to see what they suggested which was to come on in and let them see what was going on. we headed around 9am and were hooked up to monitors to measure baby heart rate and my BP. every thing was going great. when the OB came in she suggested maybe we get the ball rolling with Cervidal which would help soften my cervix as the day before I was not dilated but when she checked me I was a 1-2. I had the Cervidal and was sent home around 1pm told to come back I the next morning at 8am to be checked, if I was still 1 I would receive another dose. if I was a 5 they would put me on the drip and possibly break my water. well that afternoon I went shopping and then to bingo that night and really felt nothing going on other then very random stomach tightenings. went to bed at 1130pm still with nothing happening, well at 1250am I woke to use the washroom and when I tried to go back to sleep I noticed I was having contractions that seemed to be less then 5 minutes apart. I got back up at 110am and started timing them, tried to take a bath but the contractions were to strong and seem to be coming faster and faster. so at 140am I decided to wake up hubby and let him know it was time to go to the hospital, by this point the contractions were 2 minutes apart. we get to the hospital and get checked around 220am and I am 7-8cm. Well baby girl did not want to wait to long little miss Victoria was born naturally at 438am on June 30th weighing 6lbs 12oz & 19in long. mommy did an amazing job all with no pain meds but received a 3rd degree tear. Oh did I forget to mention it was daddy's birthday, best present he could ask for.