Intermittent Fasting + Vegan/Pescatarian Diet


Has anyone tried intermittent fasting ? I would love your opinions and advice!

I have gained a lot of weight in the last few years about 50 pounds from stress and not watching what I eat. I am ready to make a change in my lifestyle and I am determined to lose this weight I gained and reclaim my body and my life.

I am planning on going on a vegan/pescatarian diet, which means no meat, eggs or dairy products of any kind. My exceptions will be whey protein, and Halo Top and dark chocolate for treats which do contain milk and I will also eat fish and seafood for a good, healthy source of protein. I mainly want to cut out fattening foods like cheeses and mayo/salad dressings that contain milk and eggs. I plan on reintegrating organic chicken and grass fed beef after a while but I just want to give meat a break for a while to cleanse my body.

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