

My husband and I have a beautiful little girl who will be 3 in November. We started trying for our second in May of last year (2017) with no luck yet. I’m in my third round of letrozole and he just did a sperm analysis. Looks like our daughter was a little miracle baby and we didn’t even realize it. His results showed high count and motility, which is great! Unfortunately the morphology is 3% which falls into the lowest category of “sub-fertile and poor prognosis.” Knowing we got pregnant once gives us a little hope, but mostly we just feel defeated. We love our daughter to pieces and are so thankful for her, but she’s started asking for a baby brother or baby sister (it changes daily lol) and we want to give her one so bad. Does anyone have any success stories of low morphology and still getting pregnant without

<a href="">IUI</a> or <a href="">IVF</a>?

Pic of our daughter when we left the hospital with her.

And now