How much do you have to drink to get water intoxication?

I’m a big time hypochondriac and my anxiety about things is Definitely through the roof right now. If I read any little thing that has to do with health I freak out. So of course, I read about water intoxication while I was eating my 3rd or 4th cup of ice for the day (im anemic). Right Before this cup of ice I drank most of my large coke from Chick fil a. I also had a can of mtn dew earlier today. But that’s all I can remember drinking. Could I get water intoxication?

This is about where I drank to.

And the cups of ice are about this big. I fill them all the way up even above the top

**Edit: I realize that mtn Dew and coke are not water but I read online that they can contribute to the water intoxication. A young girl died when she was forced by her parents to drink 2 liters of soda.

**edit #2: I understand this may be a dumb question to 90% of you, but please understand that my anxiety is a real issue and I feel better getting some helpful insight rather than sitting here dwelling in my anxiety which will then probably turn into a panic attack. Please don’t be salty when answering my questions. I come here for help, not to have people make me feel stupid about a certain concern. I’ve looked up everything, how much you have to drink.. but I still get dwelled up into my thoughts. Thanks for anyone who is understanding.

Also I was concerned about all the ice I was eating plus what I was drinking