⚠️⚠️Important question


I am about to be a junior in high school so i meed to start narrowing down choices amd applying for colleges and internships and I am extremely interested in veterinary medicine. I love animals and i want to help them feel better, and also form a bond with them. I tend to have overwhelmingly strong empathy for anything with a heart beat so itis difficult for me to see people have to part with others, especially their fur babies.

Atm, i dont know what to do because i want to live a good life helping others but i worry i will never get used to the pain of the negative parts of the job.

My mom is a nurse, and she has always said her first few patients that passed away were hard to get through, but she told me that she got stronger and now she is okay.

My question is: Does anyone know or have an idea if as a veterinarian, the emotional toll gets easier with time?

Please help. This advice will greatly impact my decision i make next fall thank you