

Ok so, ima bent out and I’d like to know if I’m overtaking this or yalls opinion


I’m talking to this guy, I actually like him, like I’m actually not being a hoe or whatnot

He makes me think more of my actions and it’s like, my actions make me realize I want something with him. A relationship if you will.

But this is what has really been bothering me: he used to talk to my bff and they didn’t work out. I feel like bc they didn’t work out now we’re talking. I’ve always liked him, from the moment I saw him I liked him but he liked her. And I couldn’t do anything about it bc he chose her so I remained silent. She wasn’t ready for him and fresh out of a relationship. I asked him what happened and he said they did what was best for them. They kissed y’all. And now he’s kissing me. It’s like, weird

He chose her before he chose me. He’s dm’ed me my own post with flirty comments and it’s like why can’t you just comment that ????

From personal experience I know he’s protecting someone else’s feelings or doesn’t want that someone to see his comment under my pic. Yall know?

I really wanna tell him, but in person and he’s in chicago right now. It’s been eating me up and I can’t hid my feelings.