are my lines getting darker??????


hey ladies do you see my lines getting darker? I know they are not positive but just would like to know your opinions. The first two, are CD 8 yesterday and the third one is from this morning CD 9. (cervical mucus is also

wet and starting to become ewcm) **also yesterday was my first day of vitex and also combined with my regular metformin and one a day vitamin** I just started temping a few days ago as well so this is becoming fun for me doing whole shabang, temping, charting my menstrual cycle, ovulation my hubby and I are ready to start trying again since he has been away for a while for work. Started vitex for the first time ever yesterday and started ovulation sticks yesterday as well since they just arrived through the mail. (tilt your phone to your right they are in order) the last one is looking darker than yesterday.