FTM birth story


So, this is a little late, but here it goes...

Baby girl was due May 17 and everyone thought she would take her time coming out, as I was checked on May 6 and was 0 cm dialated and 25% effaced, and had not felt a single contraction. My doctor was even asking me about plans for if I went past her due date, which was honestly terrifying for me because I was uncomfortable enough as it was.

On Friday evening my husband and I had plans to go out to eat with our friends one last time before our baby girl arrived, and as I was getting ready my brother FB messaged me starting a huge fight with me and really getting my blood boiling. I was also crying uncontrollably due to some of the really mean things he said to me. I was able to calm myself down by saying it wasnt good for the baby to get so worked up, and I finished w my make up and we went to meet our friends.

We ate at Olive Garden and our friends all made guesses as to when they thought she would arrive. We laughed and just had a great time. As we were all leaving everyone rubbed my belly and told baby girl to come out soon bc we were all so excited to meet her!

On the way home from dinner my husband and I stopped in at target for some last minute additions to my hospital bag, and to walk off some of our dinner. I really felt great and was excited to know the wait was almost over regardless of whether she came early, on time, or late. We had everything prepared and were as ready as first time parents can be.

I got in bed around midnight, and almost as soon as I got comfortable I felt a small amount of liquid between my legs, and I thought "I knew I should have gone to the toilet before I got comfy!" so, I got up to go and change the sheets when even more liquid ran down my leg. I was much more calm than I ever imaged myself being, and I walked to the stairs and called down to my husband that my water had broken and we were going to have a baby soon.

I wanted to labor at home for as long as possible, especially since I planned on having a natural birth. Around 4:30 a.m., once my contractions were 4 minutes apart my husband and I got in the car and headed to the hospital. I checked in at 5:17, which I remember because 5/17 was supposed to be my dye date, and got placed in a delivery room immediately. They checked me, and I was only 1 cm and 50% effaced. I provided everyone on staff my birth plan, and settled in. At first I was progressing nicely, about 1-2 cm per hour. At noon I was 8 cm and fully effaced. My contractions were intense and I threw up 4+ times, and despite my birth plan specifically saying not to, the nurse continuously asked me if I wanted an epidural. Her name was Stephanie, and I hated

her. I was in pain, but I had a plan. My husband was a great coach and never left my side. However, after I reached 8cm I basically stopped progressing. My contractions were the most painful things I've ever experienced and absolutely nothing like I imagined. I was writhing in pain, and crying, and carrying on. But I'd made it that far, so no way was I giving in now. By 7:15 I'd finally reached 9+ but not quiet 10 cm. The nurses shift changed and my new nurse was named Lindsey and she was a dream. Age explained that I wasn't getting fully dialated due to there being a lip on my cervix, but if I promised to follow her directions exactly, she could help me start pushing. I was DESPERATE at this point, and honestly wasn't sure I could even do it. I was so tired and in so much pain, but I promised her, and we got the show on the road. I started to push at 8 pm, but with each push baby's heartrate was going down, and I was squirming in the bed so much the external monitors weren't working effectively so they attached a probe to baby girl's head, and gave me an oxygen mask. I was, at this point, screaming about this being a "f-ing nightmare" and gave all the nurses a good laugh when I said "I hate this place. This place sucks." Once they were able to monitor the baby again effectively I resumed pushing, and after 2 big pushes, she was out! I had a 2nd degree tear, but I stuck to my plan to do it all natural and I was/am so proud of myself!

After 18 hours of exhaustive, painful labor, Evelyn Rhiannon Ferguson was born at 8:52 pm on May 12, 2018 weighing 6 lbs 11 oz, 20 inches absolutely perfect in every way!