
Hey y’all I’m so confused on what’s going on. So earlier this month I had some brownish discharge when peeing but only enough for it to show on the tissue after I had wiped. Been waiting for my period but have taken multiple pregnancy test to see if I will get an answer. Sadly, I have been getting BFNs & I’m really concerned now. I have 2 children & I am pretty sure I know the signs of if I’m pregnant & Ive been getting a lot of symptoms especially not having a period this cycle. Also to mention, I have a regular cycle. Rarely has it been shy a few days but so far it’s been regular & always on time.

Please If anyone has gone through this before please let me know. My <a href="">glow app</a> says AF should have arrived on the 24th through the 30th. HELPPPPPPP!!!!!! Please lmk if anyone has had this happen to them too & what was the results or what do you recommend I do?