Gestational diabetes/PCOS/insulin resistant

So last fall, I saw an endocrinologist because I have PCOS and was feeling dizzy and lightheaded regularly. My fasting sugar was a little high at 101. She said I was borderline insulin resistant, put me on metformin, and through diet exercise and metformin, I lost about 25 lbs total since. My fasting sugar went down to 91 after I lost 12 of those lbs in the first two months.

Fast forward to today. I’m about 6 weeks pregnant. At my first OB appointment, she told me to get a glucose monitor and start testing my levels four times a day. She also recommended a nutritionist, which I’m making an appointment tomorrow. I’ve been checking my sugar for the past week, but my birthday was 6/28 so I had a couple of rough days (please don’t judge I’m only human 😩). These are what my levels look like. Should I be concerned? My fasting levels seem to be high for the most part. I did some research as I’m completely new to tracking my sugar, and I’m going to start testing an hour after every meal. I’d appreciate any feedback of info from your own experiences with this. I’m very nervous as this is my first pregnancy ! I’ve been trying to eat healthy aside from some bday celebrations. But it’s been hard as I’m fighting nausea on and off, though I think I’ve been doing pretty well- low or no sugar yogurt and snacks that are high in protein.