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Okay, so. I have this friend (let’s call her R). She and I were very close, until the end of this year. I moved schools about a year ago, maybe a little more (to the one she is at) and we instantly clicked. We had sleepovers, and did almost everything together. We were just so close. About 4 months after us becoming friends, she meets this guy (let’s call him N). A month later, they started dating. It was all good. We still hung out like usual (3-4 times/week). Then, they started getting closer. We still hung out like usual, but when we did hang out, N had to be there... every time. I was getting so annoyed. 🙄 So, we still hang out, I kind of just brushed it off. He’s there every time. I kind of just learn to get used to it. But, it starts getting worse. They become sexually active. And when we hang out, they start doing things while I’m there (it started with them making out and just got worse from there), in the same room, in the same bed (she probably thinks I’m okay with this since we are super close). I keep going over there, despite them doing ORAL and other things in the SAME BED as me... I guess I just try and act like it doesn’t bother me or whatever. Every time I’m over there (3-4 times/week), this happens. So, I put up with this for about 4 or 5 MONTHS. I get really sick of it but try to ignore it/them doing things on the bed + floor. Then, homecoming comes around. We planned a sleepover. We go to dinner, go to the dance, and he is dropped off at home. I think, “Finally, time to spend together, no N”. She kind of hints around that she wants him to come over. I am praying, just praying, that he doesn’t. Because I know what would happen. So I say “It can just be us, right?” and she says yes. She acts excited that he won’t be there. I was wrong. Her mom is like “Isn’t N coming over?” and she is just like agreeing! Even thought she said it would just be us, and knows that did NOT want him be there since we never hang out like friends anymore (since she’s always just doing things with him while I’m trying to come over and hang out). So, guess what happens. She INVITES HIM OVER and he spends the night! I was PISSED! I tried numerous times to show I am very annoyed. I told R that my mom would not be happy at all. She just says “Don’t tell her.” and then they go at it. I try and tell her that N needs to leave! She tries resolving the issue by just sleeping on the ground with him (they were just going to sleep in the same bed as me). So, that’s what happens. There wasn’t much sleeping going on with them though, let me tell you. My mom did find out he stayed over (but not what they did) and was MAD. So, now we hang out maybe 1 time every 2 or 3 months, not because of my mom, but because that’s what I prefer since I’m just so annoyed. I just became sick of this constantly happening. So, now we aren’t close anymore, we never hang out, and she’s only worried about him! What do I do? We even got into an BIG argument and ended up going to prom in separate groups because of this/us becoming distant. I really do not know what to do anymore. I’m thinking of just ignoring her, but I want to hang out this summer, without N. I’m really stuck and annoyed. Vote + advice please!

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