Advice Pleaseee


I met the guy who is now my boyfriend (love finally being able to say that you’ll get why if you keep reading) four years ago and up until a few weeks ago I hadn’t seen him in all those years and we got together again through a mutual friends party. I had the biggest crush on this guy back then and it is amazing that I finally get to be with him after thinking I would never see him again. We’ve seen a couple movies and gotten dinner a few times and I saw him again yesterday for his graduation party (he’s 19 I’m 17) I had so much fun seeing all his family again. The only thing is he’s never really had a real girlfriend so I don’t know if he just feels weird about it but we haven’t kissed yet and yea I know it doesn’t really matter but I like it and I don’t know if I should just go for it next time I can or just keep waiting??