Am I wrong?


so I just gave birth on Wednesday and we've been home for 2 days. I'm breastfeeding so I obviously don't expect my husband to help with feedings or anything. however last night he stayed up ALL NIGHT, legit didn't sleep at all, playing video games. I changed all the diapers, fed the baby, got her dressed, etc. when I got tired he'd take the baby and let her sleep in the rock n play while he continued to play games then hed come wake me up when my daughter was hungry again. our house needs some work, like dishes being done and there are still projects that need to be finished in the babys room. I change the baby after every feeding usually and then swaddle her back up so she can sleep so I understand there's not a lot my husband can do to help besides watch her so I can sleep but I'm super fucking annoye d that he stayed up all night like a freaking teenager playing games. now today he's like in a daze and not very talkative because hes obviously tired. we also had a follow up appointment for the baby today and he asked if he could stay home and play more games. I said no cuz the hospital is 45 minutes away from our house and I wanted to sit in the back by the baby. but the simple fact that he even asked pissed me off. am I overreacting?