Convinced I’m having twins!


Ever since I saw the positive test, something in my mind was like, it is twins! But after a couple weeks I just figured it’s a crazy thought and there could be lots of reasons why I’m so sick and exhausted with this pregnancy when my first was a breeze. But now I’m 8 weeks and look at me! How can I be this big? I’m sure some it bloat and I know it is my 2nd pregnancy, but really? Anyone else this big or could my intuition be right?

Hope the picture turns out. I’m a runner and had just finished competing in a series which I placed 4th in (just stating to emphasize that I was in great shape and a basically flat stomach!) It feels firm, not flabby so I don’t think it’s just me overdoing the food, lol. But ugh, I probably can’t get an appt til 10-12 weeks and it is with a midwife, so no ultrasound. I never had any ultrasounds with my 1st but now I’m going crazy and wonder if I should. But I just lost my insurance today so can’t make any appts 😓 Won’t qualify for coverage until I’m out of 90 day period at my new job in September. Oh I’m going to go crazy. Any thoughts? Multiples or just super extra bloated? 🤪

I actually really want it to be twins so send some twin prayers my way 😁