False alarm- so drained

Yesterday I had cramping and as the evening went on the contractions picked up.

At 11:30 I txt my midwife to let her know. Around 1am I let her know they were 5 minutes apart and I called my sister to come over for my 2yo.

We left at 2am to go to my Midwife’s clinic and it was every 3 minutes..but then it fizzled.

Such a let down. I spent 3 hours at the clinic and ended up resting. Got sent home at 6am to rest.

All day has just been mild irregular contractions.

If only I had a crystal ball to predict if/when it will pick up again.

I was prepared for 1 all nighter, but not 2. My son started at 8pm- contractions all night. Hospital at 6. Arrived at 6:30 and born by 7:15am. This just feels completely new to me.

Due 11th