Baby fever?

S • 💏💑😍
Me and my boyfriend just got out of a pregnancy scare. And it's totally the wrong time for me to be pregnant. But I can't help but want a baby after this. I'm not going to try for a baby, there's a lot I want to do before I have a baby. But after seeing how my boyfriend has handled everything I know 200% he's who I'll one day have a baby with. Going through something like this you see the real person and even though he was terrified he was there for me better than I could of imaged. And I am so thankful I have him in my life. Now I keep imagining what if I hadn't gotten my period. I keep picturing going into labor with him by my side and him holding our new baby. I know it's not the right time I know that but I can't help it. I know how much work a baby is as I've taken care of my step sisters kids for a week at a time without help. I just can't help but wish I was pregnant. I wish i was older done with school married so I could start trying for a baby. Ugh! This is so frustrating I can't tell my boyfriend about this because I know he'll be upset with me for thinking about this after we literally just found out I'm not pregnant.