Marley is Finally here after 41 weeks and 2 days

Marley is Finally here after 41 weeks and 2 days. Oh my what a journey this has been. I always saw pregnancies to be a right of
Passage for women but after having gone through one myself, I would say that I have mad respect for moms. After 2 days in the labor and delivery ward and a disconnected epidural tube that led to some seriously painful contractions and serious tremous, I say this is the most painful experience I have ever had in my life so far. I can’t explain the pain that comes with labor nor the good times I shared with her in my womb. God is truly wonderful!! Thanks glow members for the stories, education and for making me a part of your community. Here is my minnie stinker Marley, 8lbs 20inches of strength and I’m in love already!