Semen Analysis Results

Cat • Little love born 11.26.19 after 2 years of TTC. First fresh round of IVF with ICSI successful ♥️

My husband got the results back from his SA and we have a follow up with his general doc tomorrow (I’m assuming we’ll just get a referral to a fertility specialist) but wanted to see people’s thoughts of his results and success of us getting pregnant. Without or with help.

Concentration, sperm = 2.2 with normal over 14.9

Total sperm in ejaculate = 5.2 with normal over 38.9

Motility is high

Normal morphology = 0 with normal being over 3%

So obviously sperm count and morphology are super low. What now, from your experiences?

PS... upon basic normal exams and tests with me, seems to be no issues with fertility.

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We have 1% morphology and tried IUI several times, and moved on to IVF. They will probably prescribe him vitamins and lifestyle changes and do a repeat analysis before jumping to any conclusions.


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It doesn’t sound good - conceiving with normal sperm levels can be tricky as it is. Having said that - it just takes 1! But it’s best not to work yourself up with anxiety on here and wait to see what the doctor says instead. Good luck!