Living with PTSD and/or BPD

Hi Ladies!

Do any of you have a spouse or a significant other that struggles with PTSD and/or bipolar disorder? Any advice on how you deal with episodes would be helpful. My husband and I have been married for almost 15 months and I feel like it is destroying our marriage. My 10-year-old stepdaughter is in the middle of this too and it breaks my heart for her to have to go through this again because he is doing the same thing to me that he did to her mom. We have been fighting hard the last two days and she has been in tears having to witness it. Last night it started with him screaming at me over food I got that he didn’t want and then him threatening to leave with his daughter and never come back. He blames everything that goes wrong on me and tells me I never put forth any effort into our marriage and that he’s the one that’s always carrying the weight. This behavior needs to stop or be treated properly or he’s going to wind up losing us both. I know the guy I love is in there somewhere!