Oh My Gatos!

Yesterday as I was driving home from Costco I witnessed a woman being assaulted by a man who threw a large beer can at her head - splitting her head open, then grabbing her by her hair and leading her down the street while abusing her more. I turned the corner, stopped my car, jumped out, and yelled at him to get his fucking hands off of her. Then, as I was calling the police he charged at me yelling at me to "Get the fuck out of here bitch.", and hit me with what was in his hands breaking it. A male neighbor ran up yelling, saving me from the assault I was saving her from. The man then proceeded into a building and slapped another woman. In 5 minutes this man assaulted 3 women. It took 20 minutes for police to get there and another 10 for an ambulance for the woman originally being assaulted who was gushing blood down her head, all over her face, down her neck, and chest. Maybe what I did was stupid, but I needed him to see someone saw him so he'd stop!

But it only takes a matter of seconds for things to go terribly wrong.

Unfortunately, this was the one time I didn't have my knife on me - otherwise he'd have gotten hurt the second he put his hands on me. I turned so he'd miss my face and got my back left shoulder blade. He was crazy.

3 assaults on 3 different women in 5 minutes.

As I suspected, the girlfriend (hopefully ex), and the woman who got slapped did not show up at court this morning. I know it's common for the abused to protect their abuser - but please DON'T. This man and any other person male or female like him need to be in jail. He is a danger to society and does not have a problem beating on any and every woman that crosses his path.

I am pushing forward with assault charges and as a witness even if the main victim doesn't. I understand they are both scared - but 3 assault charges would probably keep him in jail for a longer time than one. I'm hoping and praying he is not able to bond out today. I will find out more later.

This was not his first rodeo doing this to her and is currently on probation in the bordering state for assault.

I'm not saying to put yourself in harm's way like I did. But if you see something, SAY SOMETHING. Call the police.

With their response time, had I not been there, she might be dead. 20 fucking minutes in the middle of the afternoon. Or he could have proceeded to assault someone else.

When someone is attacking you, you have maybe not even 30 seconds to defend yourself. Please be aware, know how to defend yourself, and if you are in an abusive relationship - please, please, please GET OUT!