Baby Boy Name Predicament - 22 Wks Preg


My husband and I fell in love with the name Beckett for a boy (stolen from the show Castle). We never looked for other boy names because this was it! Or so we thought 🙄

My mother in law married her husband a few years ago and we’ve never really met his family because they lived out of state. They just moved back and my MIL and her hubs are now more involved with his family/grandchildren. Well, we just found out that his 5 year old granddaughter’s name is Beckett. We were devastated! I’ve been name searching for months now and just can’t find anything else I love as much. My MIL is very judgmental and speaks her mind so I can only imagine what her opinion on us sticking with Beckett would be. Everyone keeps telling us to keep the name, as the two children will probably not interact often (if at all). I just, idk, I feel weird naming him that, especially since it’s my MIL’s first grandchild. She is with her husband’s grandchildren often (probably more than she will be with ours) and I don’t want her having 2 grandchildren with the same name. My husband thinks we can stick with the name but it feels so less original now 😔

SOS! What would you do?