No symptoms week 6



I am trying not to worry too much, since first prenatal appt isn’t until 7/17. Weeks 1-5, only experienced fatigue, tender breasts, mild cramping, and constipation. No nausea or food aversions. But within this past week, everything has kind of subsided. Want to make sure we are still pregnant! Anybody else in same boat? Where symptoms disappeared? This is our first pregnancy. Thanks ladies!

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Posted at
Don’t worry girl I had the same experience! My boobs aren’t as sore and my other symptoms have disappeared a bit as well so I freaked a little. As of this morning the nausea began 😫 I’m 6 weeks 4 days.


Posted at
Enjoy it while it lasts...I felt the same way until around 6 and a half weeks, and now I feel like I have mono I’m so freaking tired and achy, and the morning sickness has begun. I spent most of yesterday in bed and crashed right after work today 😩


Posted at
I’ll be 6 weeks tomorrow and the only symptoms I have are tender nipples, bloating, and fatigue and they all come and go. I wouldn’t worry.


Posted at
Just hit week six today as well with no nausea. I have all the other symptoms (cramping , dizziness, on/off sore boobs, occasional mild headache, random exhaustion) but very mild to no nausea. Glad I’m not alone. Lack of nausea makes me nervous. I keep reading all the studies that it’s much more likely to indicate a healthy pregnancy and it’s making me paranoid. Ugh


Posted at
same here


Posted at
I haven't had any symptoms besides fatigue. Today I'm 6wks 3days and starting to get sick to my stomach after eating. The symptoms will be here soon and come and go somedays. :)


Posted at
I’m exactly 6 weeks today, my first appointment is 7/12. I’ve been EXHAUSTED, having on and off cramping, crazyyyyyy nausea. But everyday is different so don’t get discouraged maybe you’re just lucky.


Posted at
my appointment isnt until 7/16. ive only have tender breast and I feel a bit quesy in the mornings but then it goes away.


Da • Jul 2, 2018
this is my second pregnancy. take another test if youre worried but im sure its fine. not everyone has constant symptoms. my only one with my first pregnancy was morning sickness supper bad.