Anyone else due January 27th?🤰🏻🎈my 1st ultrasound & baby!

Brittany • Dog mom + cat mom + now soon to be human mom! Due Jan 27.2018 🤰🏻Social worker/Detroit/In love with Philip❤️

I had my first ultrasound today and I am so so relieved the baby is doing just fine! HR 166 & measuring perfectly @ 10 wks. Gunna be honest in saying that reading so many miscarriage/horror stories on this app was putting some negative thoughts & silly worries in my mind & I was getting some bad anxiety from it, but now...

I finally feel I can let all of that go!🙌🏼

I’m 10 weeks & it’s my first. 💕

I’m bummed I forgot to ask what side the placenta is on for gender guessing purposes but with blood work in the next few weeks, hopefully I will know in the next month and a half!