Registry Woes. Just need to vent.


I know I’m gonna get hate for this post because thats what happens every time someone talks about people buying stuff off their registry.


Okay now that thats out of the way.

I started my registry since January. I sent it to my best friends a couple times and took suggestions.

In the beginning I had the bare necessities on there but was advised to put more items at different price ranges to cater for everyone so I did. It took me months to make. Literally months. I went over it so many times. I joined numerous mummy groups and googled so many different articles to get advice and recommendations. I even went out to stores and looked at items because I live in a matchbox and don’t want a lot of stuff taking up a lot of space that I don’t have. I put so much work into the registry.

I sent out the completed registry today and immediately had someone reply that they were gonna buy something not on the registry. I’m like okay cool no problem. But then she says the item she’s buying is a tub. And I’m like wait, don’t I have a tub on my registry? I double checked and yes I do.

She said she’s gonna get a tub thats safe for the baby and has numerous stuff in it like slip proof etc. The tub I picked is huge so it grows out of infant stage into toddler stage. It even has a newborn side to it and I even put a sponge on there just in case the baby is really little. This is what I mean by I did my research. I covered every angle. I just told her okay thank you so much and removed the tub and sponge from my registry. After she said she was getting the tub she then proceeded to list all the items I actually need and don’t need on there. I know what I need everything is on there for a reason but I thanked her for the advice.

Like I said above I am super grateful to be receiving anything but it just feels like I put soooo much time and energy into making the registry and it was all for nothing. It just felt like I was being told she’s older and wiser and she knows better than a first time mom like me. Like if I had forgotten to put an item on there okay cool. But I have the item on there so why go off registry? My best friend thinks it might be a money issue but I have cheaper stuff on there so I don’t think that’s it.

I did so much work but why did I even bother if people are just gonna do what they want. 🤷🏾‍♀️