this is it.. weaning

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️

let’s see how far we last. i really hope we go through with it, my nipples are SO raw. last night was the first night and this will be the second. she is still asking for ‘cheche’ and pointing to my breast and every time i say no she cries 😩 makes me want to cry but i think i came as far as i’d like to. 2 years later!! i’m happy with our journey though, breastfeeding is honestly and amazing experience and is definitely do it again if i can in the future

pics just because 😂 i also went to go buy myself new bras just because!! ok you guys didn’t need to know that, but it has to do with breast’s so 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️

i think she’s a big girl now and can do with out the boobie from now on ♥️

update, if anyone cares. last night was SOOOO hard. she was crying like every hour and constantly trying to lift up my shirt.. i’m exhausted and sleep deprived. 😴 i almost gave in just to get her to sleep last night but then all the hard work would go to waste !!