Omg I can see my cervix!!

TMI I know... but tonight after my shower I decided to take a look with a mirror. This is my second child and after I had my first little one I can see my cervix much easier so when I looked and saw it I wasn’t surprised but what I saw terrified me... it’s totally open!! I can see what possibly is the sac?!? Two weeks ago when I was checked I was 2 cm. No idea what I am now but I had my husband look and now he won’t touch me with a ten foot poll...

Update: so a little freaked out from what I could see but after looking stuff up online I’m thinking it’s just my vaginal canal I’m seeing but it looks super soft and open compared to normal baseline. I’m going to call my doctor tomorrow. This seem normal for the vaginal canal so soften and open like this? I’m so perplexed 😣