Checking out other girls

Is it normal for your bf to constantly check out other girls when he’s with you? We’ve been dating for 3 years and I’ve started to notice it much more

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I've been with my husband for a longtime. He's very very very attractive. Girls see him they always see him... meanwhile I'm hella plain-Jane-average. I know he sees other women, heck I SEE THEM. He doesn't take the time to look or notice them when he's with me.And we go to bars, and those girls are fit, their shorts are SHORT. Meanwhile, I'm on my second baby and wearing clothes that cover my body enough so I can be in public... He'll even turn away if someone is directly behind me in their tiny short get up, watch a commercial or sports-blah until she walks away. I never asked him to do this. But I do appreciate him for it.


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These gifs omg 😂😂😂


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everyman does it. some men makebit more noticeable than others but every man does. just as long as he is not acting on it. ( im not saying it doesn't hurt my/our feelings it does)


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When my man did that for the The first and last time, I made sure to stare at some dudes I didn’t even like, that happened to be walking out of a gym and across the front of my car. 👅 I didn’t like the dudes. But I looked at my man and smiled😊 and he gets so nervous around females when I’m around lmfao it’s funny now. But the first time wasn’t😑🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣🤣


Abby • Dec 17, 2019
I tried this but dead serious I’m not even remotely attracted to anyone else. Like fr I think he’s the finest


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