I’m worried about my fertility.


(A little bit of a long post) Before I begin I just want to state that yes I’m young and no I’m not trying to conceive purposely yet. Okay but anyway I’m worried that infertility is something I’m going to struggle with. I’m in the pill like the very first dose for 3 weeks, I’ve had unprotected sex with my long time partner before we split (we were together for a year and a half) we didn’t exactly worry about condoms or pulling out because how long we were together. The past years is when I’ve begun to worry, I’ve had 2 other partners who also didn’t pull out (I’ve known them my whole life) as I previously stated I’m not attempting to conceive yet. This has me quite bothered honestly my oldest sister got pregnant on every form of BC and she had 6 children, my older set of twin sisters have 3 and 5 children each and my mother has 6 children herself. I’ve been pretty careless the past few years and I haven’t conceived. I know I shouldn’t be worried about it but it’s honestly scarring me because my biggest goal in life is to be a mother. Should I be concerned about my fertility?