Anxiety around men..

Janae • “I love myself, even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget. I still love myself.” ~some kid on vine

Does anyone else here have a slight fear of men? I remember when I was little I would always hide from my male cousins. I think it’s from the lack of a father figure in my life and being around my two mothers constantly. Now that I’m older, it’s gotten to the point where I have a hard time even walking past men without my anxiety going off. For instance, today at work there was a group of guys sitting at a table and I had to give my self a pep talk so I could work up the courage to walk past them so I could clean another table.

I can’t help myself from feeling super uncomfortable around men. I’ve refused seeing male doctors because of this.. but I know I can’t avoid it forever.

Today I have to work with this guy and I’m super nervous because I’ll be stuck at work for hours around this guy and I can’t sleep because the anxiety of thinking about being around him is eating up my brain.

If anyone else has experiences like this please share if you don’t mind because all of my friends think that I’m just overreacting but it’s something I can’t control.