Funky stuff happening after miscarriage?

Sunflower Ma 🌻

I had a miscarriage in May. Had an awful period in June. And we continued TTC. July 1st I wiped in the morning and had weird thicker discharge and some old blood. I was due for my next period any day. But we did have sex the night before... but i had some cramping so i thought i was starting my period. Even as i type this i feel cramping a bit but again we did have sex last night and its normal for me to get some cramping afterwards. But i keep thinking i should be bleeding but nothing is coming out. Ive put tampons in because i was out for a long time or swimming and didnt want the bleeding to randomly start. But then when i take it out it only has thicker discharge or a little old blood on it. Im really at a loss. I feel so confused of what to expect from my body after a miscarriage. I thought because i had a pretty normal period after the miscarriage i would just keep having normal miscarriages but I guess not?? Is this just par for the course then?