Packed and Ready


26 Days to go! Hospital bags are all packed and ready. I live almost an hour from the hospital I will be delivering in, so I'm packing for a couple of days just in case. I'm a little high maintenance, but I seriously don't care since I will have just gone through childbirth. This is what I have packed:
Baby Wipes (for my face during labor)
Eye Mask
Granny Panties 
2 Outfits
Extra Bag (you leave with a lot)
Face Moisturizer 
Nursing Pads 
2 Nursing Bras 
Wash Cloth
Bar of Soap 
Phone Charger
Chewing Gum
I think that just about covers everything I'm going to need for myself. The hospital provides everything else I'll need, like the giant pads, dermaplast, witch hazel pads, ect. They also provide everything for baby boy so all I've packed for him is a couple of outfits, mittens and socks. I'm so ready to meet him! 😊
591 views • 9 upvotes • 24 comments



Posted at
Lanolin nipple cream is worth taking if you are planning to breast feed


Posted at
Agree, looks like my list. Good idea on the bag. Only things I added were a pillow, compression socks, & flip flops (especially for the shower)


Posted at
Thanks for sharing!! Good guide to use!!


Ashley • Jul 15, 2015
I can only imagine!! I haven't even packed anything up yet but I think I will pack it tomorrow after reading more and more comments!! 👌🏻😊


Al • Jul 14, 2015
I thought it might help others a little. With my first I had no idea where to even begin and then he ended up coming early. I was completely unprepared. Looking back, it's kind of funny, but at the time it was awful lol.


Posted at
Ohh I'll bring an extra bag. Thanks for the tip! So far, hubby, baby, and I are sharing a small carry-on! 


Ts • Jul 14, 2015
I agree. And, I don't exactly want to leave the hospital with ten bags of stuff, haha.


Al • Jul 14, 2015
That's what I have everything packed in. My mom is going with me and I have all of her things packed in with mine as well. I think it makes it easier to leave with everything you came with. I lose things if I don't compulsively organize lol.


Posted at
27 days to go and not yet packed a single thing! Wow. I should really get started 😖


Posted at
Awesome!!! I have mine packed too... I am hoping for a 24 hour stay after my induction.. I am def going to bring a extra bag!!! :) 


Gloria • Jul 14, 2015
Change for vending machine just in case


Gloria • Jul 14, 2015
And I also forgot today I am bringing a bunch of snacks for my mom and hubby. Cereal bars, gummies, fruit cups


Gloria • Jul 14, 2015
Yea for sure!!! Lol


Posted at
Don't forget sanitary pads! 


Al • Jul 14, 2015
My hospital provides them


Posted at
You won't use 1/2 of it I bet.! 


Kristie • Jul 14, 2015
The hospital ones were awful.. I brought my own overnight maxi's with wings and was sooooo much more comfortable


Al • Jul 14, 2015
Over two days plus while I'm in labor? Um, I think I probably will especially considering the fact that most of it is hygiene products.


Posted at
Good call on the extra bag! I think I'll pack one too... The hosp does give us a buncha stuff to take home. 


Al • Jul 14, 2015
Yeah, you definitely leave with a lot more than you come with. And my personal opinion is take what they give you, because they're going to bill you for it regardless lol.


Posted at
Looks like my list!