he is here (sorry a little late)


my son has arrived. (currently 3 weeks old) so this is my birth story

on June 8th I had my regular 39 week appt got there at 130pm and my dr swept my membranes and said it could be about 24 hrs to 48 hrs and my baby would be here. so around 430pm I started to have little light contractions I thought it was just because of getting membranes done. I kept having those tiny contractions all day never really picked up. so fast forward to 10pm we finally decided to go to bed (that is late for us normally 8pm and we are in bed... but it was Friday so we stayed up) I wake up at 12:30am with painful contractions... I try to change positions drink water use the bathroom try to go back to sleep but nothing was making the pain subside so I wake up my husband at about 1:30am and tell him I think it's time to go. he wakes up and says are you sure, I dont wanna go there and be sent home. I told him yes let's go so I pack my bag I already had the babys bag packed so we had to drop my 3yr old son off at great grandmas and then go to hospital we get there at about 2:30am they check and monitor me for about half hour and then tell me I'm 4cm 70% and they are admitting me I get to my room at 3:30am I'm 5cm 80% I wanted to enjoy this labor so I get the epidural and that gets me to 7cm fully effaced by now its 5am still at 7cm so they put in a catheter to empty my bladder then around 7am its shift change new nurse comes in and says they have a hard time keeping baby on the monitor so she wants to put a thing on babys head to monitor him... she checks me one last time and lo and behold I'm fully dialated so she calls for everyone get me ready get things for baby and waits for everyone to get in the room. I start pushing at 7:32am and 3 pushes later at 7:35am my son is born weighing 7lbs 1oz 21 inches long