Birth Story

Here’s my birth story: doctor checked me on a Thursday 12/21 I wanted him to deliver and didn’t want to risk the baby coming on Christmas. I was at a 3, and due date was 1/5. Doctor told me to come back that morning and he would send me on to the hospital. 8:30 we head to hospital, but have to wait because no beds available and the ladies in active labor get beds first. We wait until 3:45. I walk and walk until then hoping my water will break so I can get back. Next, they start the pitocin. I have a few contractions and finally ask for an epidural. I’m at a 4 now. The doctor breaks my water around 4:45. The epidural hasn’t taken on my right side, so try put me on a peanut ball. Next they give me something to help with that. I start feeling extremely sleepy. My mom realizes my lips are white she yells for the nurse. They flip me put me on o2 and check the baby’s vitals. They then check me (which hurt like crap) because baby’s head was so low. Next the around 6 I’m at a 6 by 9 I’m at a 10 and ready to push. I push then I ask for a mirror. At first my doctor would tell me there’s a contraction push. Before too long I could tell when the contraction was happening and would say okay pushing. Seeing my baby so close helped so much. Within 40 minutes he was out! The doctor dipped the end of the scissors you cut the cord with in bubble solution and blew bubbles saying “Happy Birthday”. Once he was here, we asked everyone except my husband to leave so we have and hour of skin to skin with our sweet guy.

Now I’m pregnant again and when I told the doctor it only took about 4 hours for me to deliver this one start to finish his eyebrows raised.