Help please 😞

Heartbroken and devastated. I had what my doctors thought was an ectopic pregnancy on my right tube ( she saw a small mass when I had my transvaginal ultrasound done ) although I had no pain or bleeding. My HCG levels were not doubling and the highest they reached was 406 at 6 weeks pregnant. I ended up having laparoscopic surgery done on the day of my birthday to have the tube removed as my doctor felt that was the best option and she also did a D&C; just to make sure if there was anything in my uterus it was removed. I received my pathology results today and found out the pregnancy was in my uterus the entire time. They never found anything at all in my right tube therefore it was removed for nothing. I’m just completely heartbroken and shattered. Just bad news after bad news after bad news. My husband feels like I should sue because the doctors should’ve confirmed and known for sure that it was an ectopic before even suggesting to remove it and now our chances are cut in half. What should I do?