help please


my baby has this horrible rash, anyone know what I could do to help it go away? it's on her face shoulders and chest. let me also add she had her 1 month check up yesterday and the dr said its kewborn rash and it runs its course. I'm just curious on if anything helps it move along or help it

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Posted at
if the doctor isn't worried then just try some topical stuff. if you breastfeed, some moms swear that putting breast milk on the acne helps heal it, but idk if that works for sure.


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Looks like baby acne. My son has it & it’s started to clear up only when we gave him daily baths with cetaphil lotions. Pics below what we used


Posted at
It looks like newborn rash/baby acne. See the pediatrician to make sure but if it is newborn rash it goes away on it’s own. Make sure your washing all her things in sensitive soaps, and not wearing a lot of perfumes around her


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the dr.


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Contact ped. That’s pretty bad