5 day embie just made it on day 6???


Hi lady’s so myself & husband have just done our second stim cycle last month, my progesterone levels was high (happened last cycle also) so I’ve had to do a frozen cycle, last time I only had 1 3 day embie make it & that resolved in a failed cycle this time we got 6 eggs 5 were mature all 5 fertilised but only one just made it to a 5 day with having to leave it to day 6 they said it only just made it over the line, has anyone else had this? And been a success?

We have been doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> since January we are both 26 with 3 children each from previous relationships & when we got married we wanted a little piece of us but hasn’t worked out, & also when we first all our tests ect it showed up my hubby had a low count 8mill reason why we had to so <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> with this cycle we found out yesterday that it was 21mill? Has anyone had this also?

Thanks in advance guys & baby dust to got all! ☺️