😒Admitted in hospital at 32 weeks 😑


I'm 32 weeks exactly today. I had a sonogram today. last sonogram I had was at 30 weeks my baby was 2lbs 11 oz. this time they said she improved shes 3lbs 12 oz(im very happy) the problem this time was I didn't have enough fluids, she said my water has to be leaking. so I was admitted sent upstairs to be monitored. a nurse came in room put monitors on for her heart. then a midwife came in asked do I feel leakage, I told her no my panties were completely dry. so she put a contraction monitor on me. explained my fluids aren't all the way low but it can go up to reassure baby is okay. so I had to give urine sample to check if I'm dehydrated, my urine was almost clear she said no sign of dehydration. I still had a iv put in me 2 1/2 bags of water plus I was drinking water, then blood work done. and a test to make sure I wasn't leaking just a little. everything was fine no leakage blood test great, baby heart great,no contractions. I got sent back to sonogram my fluid was just fine. I got sent back up I heard good news, but the midwife said itll be safer to get steroid shots just in case she decides to come before 36weeks so her lungs will be mature and I wanted to discuss with my husband he had our boys took them to park. we decided not to get the shots we came this far and they wanted me to get them before but my daughter is doing great. my husband finally seen my frustration with the sonogram dr. he even said every time we come here its always something then its nothing wrong, and when we go to dr they say shes fine and not to worry but how can she not worry if its always something and her emotions are all over. we both understand they need to tell us concerns but its like every sonogram its something they can't just let me go home. 1st its her brain that was fine in the end 2nd its my size and I'll be admitted 3rd its her size 4th its blood cells thats fine 5th she not growing like other babies 6th shes looks great but because she small her heart(BTW her hearts great) 7th low fluid. they said I'm high risk but give me no reason why. I love my babygirl I want her here so bad. I'm now tired of going to sonograms officially. this is my 4th pregnancy I have 3boys and I didn't have to go through this before. my husband thinks were having another I dont think so because I'm not going through this again. he understands. but like I tell him if it happens it happens and I will be happy and hope for the best