Hey y’all !


Okay so I’m 30 and in the last three years I have had 3 babies, all singles. So my question is this: what number are you trying for and are you having doubts about trying (if this is your 4th or better) right now. Do any of you have stair steps, like myself? I am currently in my fertile window and my husband and I keep going back and forth about going again!! Maybe that in and of itself should be our answer. I believe that the unction to be a mom and to have “baby fever” is God given. Maybe I’m putting the carriage before the horse this time or maybe I just wanna be in the most current baby boom!?!? Ahhhh 30 has brought so many new things, I’m guessing indecisiveness is the newest! Well I’m rambling! Baby dust to all TTC without doubt or anxiety! 🤪🤪😎😎

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